Brain drain is the phenomenon of emigration of highly skilled and qualified professionals from one country to another mostly well-developed country. The outcome is the scarcity of qualified professionals in the native country which then undermines the progress of that particular country in long run. During this era of economic growth, the majority of developing countries like Greece, Iran, Nigeria, India, and Taiwan are the worst victims of brain drains. Pakistan is also facing this grave issue as the migration rate of highly skilled professionals augmented more than 60% from 1992 to 2000 as per UNESCO Report. Healthcare is no exception to this global phenomenon of brain drain. Statistics document that 2.7 million Pakistanis have left Pakistan in the last five years to find better work opportunities. According to a survey of Gallup-Pakistan, more than two-thirds of Pakistan’s adult population including doctors have the desire to visit abroad in search of a better future. The worst scenario of this survey is that more than half have no desire to return at all. The lacunae created by this avoidable brain drain is obviously a drastic decline in public service, poor health of the nation and, poor overall progress in the society besides a bad reputation to the current Government. This perspective is focused on the insights of brain drain of doctors from Pakistan and strategies of reverting brain drain into brain gain

Dr. Iqbal Haider. (2020) THE NATIONAL DILEMMA: BRAIN DRAIN OF DOCTORS, Journal of Medical Sciences, Volume 28, Issue 3.
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