Geographic and linguistic connections of Punjabi
and Arab cultures are not unknown to anyone.
Both the cultures had close inter relationship in
past and there is intimate credit among them in
present also. Economic and trade relations between
these two regions are there as well for centuries.
This is an apparent reality that interfusion of
di f f e r ent nat ions wi th o the r s r e sul t s in
introduction, presentation and exchange of their
cultures. In present age, a great reason of the
image of Punjabi culture portrayed in Arab world
are skilful emigrants from East and West Punjab
who have chosen Arab world or Middle east for
earning livelihood.
Rahat Ajmal, Sehrish Iftikhar. (2019) عرب دنیا تے پنجابی ثقافت دی تصویر , Parakh, Volume 4, Issue 1, 7th Edition .
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