This paper empirically investigates the role of trust in converting an intention to
purchase, formed due to the impetus of eM-stimuli, into an actual purchase. It is among
few studies on actual purchase in context of E-Marketing. An ex post facto experiment
design is used with 300 participants and SEM in AMOS 21 was used for data analysis.
Findings suggest a strong chance that an intention formed to purchase due to the effect of
eM-stimuli will convert into an actual purchase. Institutional trust plays a very important
background role in converting intention into an actual purchase in eM-stimuli induced
environments. Managers should ensure trusting cues when creating eM-stimuli fostering
institutional trust. Study was limited to convenience services and student population.
Future research may further explore the variables and processes that are involved in
converting intention into purchase in eM-stimuli induced environments, as well as on
optimal eM-stimuli characteristics for different product and service categories.
Imran Munawar Qureshi. (2018) Role of Trust in Converting Intention into Actual Purchase in an E-Marketing Stimuli (eM-stimuli) Induced Environment, NUML International Journal of Business & Management, Volume 13, Issue 2.
597 -
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