This study examines the relationship between the employee experienced a highperformance work system (HPWS) and job outcome variables (creative performance, absence intentions, and service recovery performance) with a mediating role of employee engagement. self-administrated questionnaires are filled by a sample of 190 employees from the hospitality sector of Karachi. The high-performance work system is measured by 6 dimensions including recruitment & selection, training, developmental performance management, performance compensation, flexible job design, and participative decision making. Using a partial least square (PLS) Structural equation modeling, the results reveal that decision making; flexible job design, developmental performance, and recruitment & selection are significant indicators of HPWPs. Participative decision making enables employees to take an active part in organizational affairs hence, supervisors should welcome employees to participate in discussions. Developmental performance management, flexible job design, and recruitment & selection are also very important indicators of a high-performance work system so they should also be highly focused. The results further reveal that employee engagement works as a significant mediator between flexible job design, recruitment & selection, developmental performance management, and participative decision making with absence intentions, service recovery performance, and creative performance. However, employee engagement has an insignificant impact on training and compensation on absence intentions, service recovery performance, and creative performance.

Rida Fatima, Waqar Akbar, Faiza Siddiqui. (2020) Mediating role of work engagement between employee Experienced high-performance work practices and job outcomes; A Study on the Hospitality Sector, KASBIT Business Journal, Volume-13, Issue-1.
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