Reflective practice and action research have captured the attention and imagination of educational community in the recent times. Both are considered to be inevitable and critical dimensions of professional development of teachers. Similarly, distance education is gaining popularity day by day, thus increasing the sense of responsibility for teachers as well as students enrolled. Educational institutions are dedicated to cater to diverse need of enrolled students by providing high quality education through emerging technologies. This article explores the critical part action research can play in enhancing reflective practices of teachers which may lead to their ultimate professional development. The article challenges the perceptions of distance education teachers about reflective practice and action research. It takes into account holistic view of both constructs as considering them inseparable elements for improving distance education teaching learning environment. This research suggests that distance education teachers are well aware of the importance of both, but process and practical implementation of action research as effective tool for reflective practice is need of the day. This target may only be achieved through administrative support, on-line sessions, monetary and non-monetary incentives for teachers and personal commitment. Practical implementation of conduction of action research in the domain of distance education may go a long way in improving the whole instructional environment.

Wajeeha Shahid, Azhar Mehmood. (2017) Reflective practice and action research: A holistic view in distance education teaching learning environment, International Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning, Volume-02, Issue-2.
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