Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of fresh dental graduates of Karachi regarding pursuing research. Study type, settings & duration: A cross sectional study conducted at six randomly selected dental colleges from 10 dental Colleges (4 Government and 6 Private) in the city during three months. Methodology: After taking informed written consent 150 participants were enrolled. A predesigned questionnaire was filled. Questionnaire comprised of three parts; first part composed of demographic details, second part comprised of questions to assess the knowledge about research while the third part comprised of questions to evaluate the practices of dental students regarding research. Results: Out of 150 study participants 112 (74.7%) expressed a desire to conduct research in future, 22 (14.7%) were not interested, whereas, 16 (10.7%) were uncertain about carrying out research work in future. Females were found more motivated to conduct research in their future as compared to male study participants. One hundred and three (68.7%) participants did not know how to write a research proposal, whereas, 47 (31.3%) claimed to know about writing a research proposal. A large majority i.e. 69 (46%) participants reported both institutional and personal obstacles preventing them from pursuing research, 43 (28.7%) respondents reported institutional barriers, whereas, 38 (25.3%) participants reported personal reasons to be the major obstacles in conducting research. Conclusion: Although, a high percentage of the participants expressed their desire for carrying out research but due to inadequate knowledge regarding research methodology and lack of supervision, desired results could not be achieved. Significant efforts need to be made to improve the research culture in the institutions so as to facilitate students and fresh graduates in conducting research.

Waqas Yousuf, Mehmood Hussain, Syed Imran Hasan, Syed Abrar Ali, Syed Murtaza Raza Kazmi, Sameer Quraeshi. (2019) Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Related to Pursuing Research among Fresh Dental Graduates in Karachi, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, Volume-58, Issue-4.
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