Critical thinking skills are the innate ability among children. The child’s first observation about his/her environment is the symbol of critical thinking. The main objective of the current study was to find out the critical thinking skills among elementary school children. Thirty fourth grader students were selected randomly from Faisalabad City. The study employed experimental research design with pretest posttest control and experimental groups. T-test was applied to explore the difference between the two groups. The results revealed that there found a significant difference between both of the groups. The experimental group performed better than control group. The indicators of critical thinking that were inculcated and explored were observation, curiosity, question answers, creativity, inquiry and problem solving respectively. It was recommended that the students should be encouraged to find out solutions of the problems in the light of Quranic teachings.

Samina Yasmin, Dr. Basheer Ahmed Dars, Dr. Syeda Samina Tahira, Dr. Asif Iqbal. (2020) Inculcating Critical Thinking Skills Among Students Using Indicators From Islam And Quran, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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