Transportation has crucial role in everyday life. Non-conventional energy resources and new vehicular technologies can suppress the emerging threat of Global Warming (GW) and climate change, it can also mitigate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from conventional road haulage. This paper evaluates the electric power train deployment cases in vehicles for the city of Amsterdam till 2030, considering European (EU) policies developed to reduce CO2 emissions using futuristic technological advancements to contain EU CO2 emissions. Netherlands gross domestic product (GDP) statistics, energy resources statistics and the suppression in EU energy means statists are compiled into a comprehensive case study for road haulage sector. It computes and analyzes the projected ecological effects of these policies for reducing GHG (CO2, NO, Sox, NOx) emissions. This paper proposes a strategic model for zero GSG emission from vehicles in the city of Amsterdam, aims to prepare a low GHG emitting transportation network, which will cope the issues like advance urban development, life cycle optimization, increasing efficiency and reducing energy consumption to mitigate the climate change.

Ubaid ur Rehman. (2021) The Deployment of EVs to Mitigate Growing Global Warming in Urban Areas, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 11, Issue 1.
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