The Work-Family Conflict (WFC) is an established phenomenon of modern economies and has become more intense for the female labor force which has to perform multiple roles in society. This study has been conducted to answer research questions regarding the impact of WFC on job satisfaction and its effect on life satisfaction of female executive students who are working as well as studying. The study’s purpose is to identify areas of conflict for female students to enhance their qualification as future labor force and examine the association between WFC, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction. The study worked on three hypotheses along with data collected from a sample of 200 female Executive MBA students from four business universities in Karachi. The survey also included demographic questions information regarding age and marital status. The survey results report a negative correlation between WFC, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction.

Urfi Khalid. (2021) The Impact of Work-Family Conflict on Job and Life Satisfaction for Female Executive MBA Students, Journal of Education and Educational Development, Volume 8, Issue 1.
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