Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is a relatively recent advancement in the distance learning and online education. With the strategic collaboration of the founders of MOOC (MIT and Harvard University), many universities and institutions across the world offer a variety of courses in numerous domains. MOOCs have disrupted the global education sector by providing free to subsidized inclusive education. These include state-of-the-art pedagogies, assessment tools and interactive cum engaging learning sessions. This article aims to discover the opportunities and inclinations of adult students in Pakistan toward MOOC, especially their awareness, perceptions, peer and mentor advice and self-motivation and commitment to do such courses. The study deployed in-depth interviews under phenomenology approach using Delphi method for this study. Twenty-four students from management sciences department of a leading university in Karachi were selected: 12 who had done courses through MOOC and 12 who had never done any course on MOOC. Ten experts on distance education and online education were selected through snowball sampling method for the study. The fi ndings uncovered that the inclination of the students towards MOOC is at its inception stage.

Jawaid Ahmed Qureshi. (2019) Advancement in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to Revolutionize Disruptive Technology in Education: A Case of Pakistan, Journal of Education and Educational Development, Volume 6, 6.2.
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