Honour killing means, killing a family person or clan member in the name of family
pride or protecting one’s family’s honour. The mail members of a family usually murder
the female members against their ill act, who perceived to have brought dishonor upon
the family. A woman can be targeted by her family for a variety of reasons including,
refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, being the victim of a sexual assault, seeking
a divorce, perceived immoral behavior such as marital infidelity, demanding a divorce
even from an abusive husband or committing adultery. Hundreds of women are
murdered by their families each year in the name of family honour. A man can kill a
woman, claiming that she brought dishonor to the family. In the provinces of Sindh and
Baluchistan, the term Karo-Kari has been traditionally employed as a label for the crime
of double-homicide. A man or a boy and a woman or a girl are both killed usually by
either husband, father or brother when the killer sees or in many case just hear or blame
both victims actively engaged in sexual activity
Summer Sultana, Amar Hussain. (2014) HONOUR KILLING IN PAKISTAN, Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 53, Issue 1.
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