Pakistan that was once a de facto nuclear power became an overt nuclear state a decade ago. 28th May 1998; that marked a transition to a more credible state of nuclear deterrence apparently giving Pakistan a sense of security against more powerful India. Now Pakistan’s resolve to maintain nuclear deterrence at all cost is aimed at offseting India's conventional superiority, and providing a last-ditch deterrent to Indian aggression in the event that conventional deterrence fails.The paper assesses the viability of the deterrence against the backdrop of on going modernization of Indian nuclear and missile programs. Attempt is also made to evaluate Pakistan’s nuclear force today in order to assess as to what extent it is adequate in maintaining its level of “minimum nuclear deterrence” and how this adequacy might change in the future with the realization of Indo-US nuclear cooperation and provis ion of missile defense system to India.

Dr. Qadar Bakhsh Baloch,. (2007) PAKISTAN’S NUCLEAR DETERRENCE: Decade of Perceptions & Misperceptions, The Dialogue, Volume 2, Issue 4.
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