Urdu has 4 heavy syllables or bi-moraic (CVC,
CVV, VC, VV) and 5 super-heavy syllables (CVCC,
CVVC, CVVCC, VCC, VVC), “C” denotes consonant,
“V” light vowel, “VV” long vowel and “CC” denotes
consonant cluster. In Urdu, “CC” is not allowed in the
onset position. It only occurs in the coda position. This
paper aims to consult one of the authentic Urdu
dictionaries and search all templates with “CC”
consonant clusters and constraints. It also aims to
investigate, on one hand, all possible consonant
combinations and on other hand try to investigate the
syllabic principles followed in Urdu.
Mazhar Iqbal Ranjha. (2012) Urdu Syllable: Templates and Constraints , Conference on Language and Technology 2012.
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