Syed Hassan of Ghaznain was an ancient Persian poet from 1078. We knew very little about his life and poetry until Dr. Ghulam Mustafa Khan (1912-2005), a renowned scholar did his extensive Ph.D. thesi ... Read More

After new Government in July 2018 in Pakistan term Riyasat e Madina has been surrounded without knowing its spirit. However, it is required to know that this slogan in not new and this dream is much o ... Read More

Intelligence system is considered to be one of the important tools used by military and civil secret agencies to defend and strengthen a nation. Intelligence system is thought to be one of the oldest ... Read More

The concept of keeping wealth in a safe place dates to centuries. Ancient civilizations had diverse means of storing wealth in the form of crops, cattle, precious metals etc. The evolution of modern b ... Read More

The aim of this research is to accumulate the literature related to an Islamic ideology for two of the basic components of a State, Governance and Judiciary; both have a strong impact on society. Paki ... Read More

After the Prophets of Allah Almighty, the most sacred class of mankind is the class of Prophet Muhammad's Companions. Those are the people who had seen the prophet of Islam with their naked eyes, rema ... Read More

The digit seven has great importance in our life. Seven rounds of Holy Kabah, seven heavens, seven layers of earth, seven levels of hell, seven recitation of Holy Quran, seven interior and exterior (m ... Read More

Allah selected Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم trained by wahi provided it with all the knowledge required for any creation. Either it is any kind of Science, engineering, medical, war strategy, defense p ... Read More

Almighty Allah commanded preserving the dignity of health and wealth of every Muslim. Islam too, emphasises protection of these very elements and guarantees protection of minority's rights in Muslim s ... Read More

The dealings of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) with non-Muslim show that Islam is the religion of peace, brotherhood, religious tolerance, independence and humanity. Before the spread of Islam the conversat ... Read More

Ethical Education is an optional subject in lieu of Islamic Studies for non-Muslim students in Pakistan from primary to undergraduate level. The main aim of this study is to discuss factors which can ... Read More

Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is an outstanding poet-philosopher, perhaps the most influential Muslim thinker of the 20th century. His poetry, both Urdu and Persian, is great. Iqbal's philosophy is known as the ... Read More