Agriculture is the back bone of the economy of Pakistan. State bank of Pakistan has also circularized some important instructions and actuate Islamic Banks to enter into this field. Islamic Banks can ... Read More

Molana Zafar Ahmad Usmani (late) is a renowned religious scholar due to his scholarly contributions to different disciplines of knowledge like hadith and fiqh. He was also participated very actively a ... Read More

Abu Amr Uthman ibn Abd al-Raḥman Ṣalaḥ al-Din al-Kurdi al-Shahrazuri (1181 CE/577 AH – 1245/643), commonly known as Ibn al-Ṣalaḥ, was a Kurdish Shafi'i hadith scholar. He was originally from Sharazora ... Read More

Reason of Nomenclature of the Hujjatul al Wida’a is that it was the last pilgrimage of the Holy Prophet. It is also known as Hujjatul al Islam' as it was the only pilgrim the Prophet performed after e ... Read More

Fath al-Bari Sharh al-Sahih al-Bukhari is multi-volume commentary on hadith book “al-Jamy al-Sahih” written by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani. This is considered his magnum opus. It was completed by the author ... Read More

The sayings of the Last Prophet were protected and saved from deterioration by observing many protective measures and barriers by scholars of Muslim Ummah. Resultantly, it originated many disciplin ... Read More

Marriage is an essential institution of society. The terms ‘interfaith marriage’ stand for marital union between followers of different religions or faith. The purpose of this research is to addres ... Read More

Western media is creating the notion of Islamophobia among world at large. Islam and Muslims are related with radicalism and violence. In view of Ban on veil in France 2004 , the pictorial represen ... Read More

The research was conducted to study the effect of western culture on Pakistani Society. The main objective of research was to test which factor contribute more. The Universe of the study was consis ... Read More

Networking in online social communities is still a relatively young online trend, whether or not social media is harmful is still unknown. Like any other type of networking or social club with whic ... Read More

Development, from a state’s point of view, is a long steady journey having no certain visible destination. It is an evergrowing concept, meaning, a process of positive change, involving, several oth ... Read More

Terrorism is the major social problem and a burning issue all over the world and Pakistan is a victim of terrorist activities from many years up till now as well as also considered as the home grou ... Read More

Islamic banking with the passage of time is acquiring impetus. Many local and international banks have started to open separate Islamic banking branches and windows to cater the needs of customers ... Read More