Allah (S.W.T) created human beings as best of all creatures. Both the teachings of Quran &Sunnat-e-Nabviصلى الله عليه وسلم tell us the importance of rights of other fellow beings. The whole life of ... Read More

It is a well known fact that the Jews have always been famous as a nation of plotting, kenning and covetous of power. In their view they have been born to gain supreme authority over the world and i ... Read More

The word which is most commonly used to refer to the content of Jewish religious tradition is "Torah". The basic meanings to "Torah" is instruction, teaching and it is usually used in the specific sen ... Read More

Abu al Hussain Asakir-ul-din Muslim Bin Hajjaj Bin Ward Bin Koshan Al-Qusheri Al-Nishpuri commonly known as Imam Muslim. Islamic Scholar, particularly known as a Muhaddith. He is one of the leading sc ... Read More

The research was conducted to investigate the effect of technology and (TMC) on FTF communication. A survey research was carried out, using questionnaire as a data collection tool to get information a ... Read More