Since the establishment of ASEAN, relations between China and ASEAN were not so good. Till early 1990s China viewed ASEAN with suspicion as being anti-communist block. However, by the mid-1990s, As ... Read More

Asian Financial crisis of 1997 started from Thailand and violently spread to Indonesia. As a result foreign speculative investors pulled out their investments fully from the country and sucked US ... Read More

The region of South Asia is vulnerable due to nuclear powers of India and Pakistan. Former launched its program in reaction to China whereas latter followed the suit in Indian reaction. Pakistan u ... Read More

China has been actively involved in the African continent since long time to fulfill its energy demands as today China import more than 30 percent of oil from Africa continent. To achieve those in ... Read More

This article reports research findings about the job satisfaction and significance level of journalists in Sindh province, Pakistan. The empirical data collected by conducting a cross sectional su ... Read More

This paper is focussed on the Sino-India relations with reference to two factors: US-India alliance and Sino-Pakistan cooperation. It also argues that the China and India have experienced stresses ... Read More

Japan being one of the key players in the arena of international politics has played a crucial role in bringing the stability and peace in Pakistan. Japan and Pakistan have been enjoying strong af ... Read More

This study seeks to understand the infrastructure and role of human resource in hospital management in Pakistani and Chinese Hospitals. Drawing upon secondary data gathered from different secondar ... Read More

This paper focuses on Filipino women labor migrants, with special focus on their segregation in service sector as domestic workers in international labor market. The paper is based on the data tak ... Read More

The claim over Sabah by the Philippines is a disquieting issue for Malaysia and the Philippines’ bilateral relationship. The claim over Sabah or the North Borneo dispute as it is often referred to ... Read More

Research is considered a key domain for addressing and solving the key social, economic, and management problems. Sociology is named as the queen of social sciences because of its diversity and he ... Read More


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