Naray., Deepa and Patti Petesch, editors, Voices of the Poor: From many I.ds, 2002, New York, N.Y.: Published for the World Bank, Oxford University Press. From Many Lands, is the .rd volume in the W ... Read More

The long-run relationship between exports and economic growth in Bangladesh is exam-ined applying co:ntegration and Granger causality tests front error-correction meehanisms. Different techniques are ... Read More

For the past two decades or so, the manufacturing sector of Pakistan has been facing an energy crisis in one form or the other. While in the mid-1970s the prices of petroleum products increased signif ... Read More

This paper considers a generalised translog cost function, which takes cart of distortions in factor markets due to the regulatory environment in Pakistan's. large-scale manufacturing sector. The pap ... Read More

Export earnings are of immense importance for a third world country like Pakistan, especially in the given grim economic situation and alarmingly low foreign exchange position. Since the early seventi ... Read More

The objective of the paper is to estimate a separate demand function for component of M2 in Pakistan, by using co-integration and error-correction techniques, based on the annual data set for the peri ... Read More

The paper examines the role of structural changes and improvement in energy efficiency of individual sectors in aggregate energy intensity changes in, Pakistan, during 1960-1998. Using a decomposition ... Read More