Initial years of schooling experiences are an important influencer of cognitive development. In Pakistan children, parents and employers face many issues due to vast differences in standards of priv ... Read More

The study aimed to determine the effect of common storage practices adopted at the domestic level on the ascorbic acid content of 12 summer vegetables. Five common techniques namely storage at room ... Read More

This study has tried to explore undergraduate students’ knowledge and skills related competencies in various areas of home management.. Data was collected from 100 students of Rana Liaquat Ali khan ... Read More

Nutritional Nutritional depletion is a serious international problem that can lead to longterm deficits in growth, immune function, cognitive and motor development, behavior, and academic performance ... Read More

In spite of contributions by international agencies, Nutrition status of Pakistan has not been improving since several decades. In preceding years focus on nutrition has been greatly enhanced, howev ... Read More