The purpose of this study was to identify the need for a food analysis software that will aid the professionals in their work. The study also aimed to assess the needs, and expectations of the peo ... Read More

A sample of 966 young adults from the province of Quebec (Canada) participated in this study, which aimed to identify the determinants of knowledge about savings and investments and their relative ... Read More

Hospital laundry is associated with infection control. Adequate linen supply and general health and safety of patients are interrelated. The purpose of this study was to find out the appropriateness ... Read More

The objectives of this study was to explore the food beliefs and eating behavior of successful and unsuccessful 'weight losers'; and to find out the nutritional adequacy of food groups, through a 24 ... Read More

This study aimed to identify the perceptions of students and faculty at two architecture programs in the Southeastern United States about the effects of architecture design decisions on occupants. Th ... Read More

The purpose was to examine the relationship between the knowledge and skills used in the selection of apparel and the satisfaction obtained. Data were collected from 210 undergraduate students of whi ... Read More

Home economists believe that amidst today’s challenges to human wellness home economics has great potential to ameliorate the situation. Evidences albeit sporadic, are found for potential of home ec ... Read More