مقالے کی قسم

Responsibility of a Muslim Women to transform her Children in the age of Modern Media

Our modern life 1s totally linked to the modern Media. In this study there are tried to search out for the dangers of the modern media in terms of bringing up the children because the child is born free of mind and is influenced by everything he sees and hears from his parents and environment. Therefore, it is necessary for a Muslim mother to hold Islamic values and teachings and transfer it to her child and raise him on the Islamic behavior and protect him from moral and religious deviance and social evils. In Islamic perspective, Mother is considered first school of learning for every Muslim child, so this school should be aware of modern evils and dangers which can affect the Muslim family and children in any stage of life especially in age of infant. Then question arises what types of care and actin needed to cure our children from this most dangerous phenomena. In this his study the efforts are made to highlights responsibilities of a Muslim mother to transform and protect her children and family in modern media ages. In this research paper, there is tried to evaluate the stages of bringing up the children into three sections: Childhood, teenage, and youth. At each stage, there are mentioned three main types of challenges faced by the Muslim mother from contemporary media. At the end of the research, seven preventive measures and the divine treatment are mentioned to alleviate the damage. The focus includes spiritual education, interest in the Islamic faith, the opening of dialogue with the children, protection of the family from disputes and differences, correct misconceptions published by contemporary media.

Dr Hafiz Ahmad Ali, Dr Riaz Ahmad Saeed. (2018) مسئولیۃ المرأة المسلمة فی تربیة ابنائها فی ظل مخاطر وسائل الاعلام المعاصرة, Hazara Islamicus, Volume 7, Issue 2.
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