Science of Badia in the poetry of Samee-ul-Qasim
The article entitled:Elam-ul Badee fi shaeri Samee-ul Qasim (Dirassah
Fanniyya) is a rhetorical study of the poetry of an Arabian great poet Samee-ul
Qasim. He was born in 1979. He contributed in modern Arabic poetry of
resistance. He also contributed to Arabic journalism. He played great role to
inspire Muslim Community.He addressed Muslim community in a very
impressive way using rhetorical elements in his poetry like as al jannas, al-
Iqtibas, Raddu-ul az, al—alqalab, allazoom,al muwazna ,almushaakala Etc. He
uses a very simple and rhetorical Arabic words to express his ideas. The article
presents examples from his poetry to disclose the real status of his Arabic poetry.
The article discusses literarry beauty of the poetry of Samee-ul Qasim . The
article also discusses the contribution of same-ul-Qasim towords modern Arabic
Poetry. The article would be very beneficient for the scholars of Arabic and
Islamic studies.
Hafiz Ata-ur-Rahman, Dr Muhammad Saleem Ismail. (2018) علم البدیع فی شعر سمیح القاسم (دراسة فنیة), Hazara Islamicus, Volume 7, Issue 2.
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