This paper aims at the historical relations between these
two languages: Arabic, Urdu and extent of their impact on the
genesis of Urdu language. Undoubtedly, Arabic language is one of
the sematic languages and it has etymological and conjugational
characteristics but Urdu language is entirely contrary to this. The
reason for this contrast is that Urdu linguistic lineage belongs to
the Indo-Aryan family.
Without an iota of doubt, Urdu grammar has been deeply
influenced in numerous aspects by these relations, like
commercial and religious and political. Arabic Syntax also plays a
vital role in the formation of new Urdu words and its elocution.
Urdu language is an outshoot of Arabic language. After the conquest of the Muslims in the Indo- Pak subcontinent, Arabic
and Islamic terms from Quran, Hadith, the conqueror’s and
businessman infiltrated on the tongues of those who had
embraced Islam.
الأستاذ الدكتور خالق داد ملك, الدكتور شفاقت على الأزهري*. (2017) مدى تأثير العلاقات التاريخية بين أصحاب اللغتين: العربية، والأردية في نشأة اللغة الأردية , Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Volume 24, Issue 1.
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