مقالے کی قسم
تاریخِ موصولہ
تاریخِ قبولیت

نبی کریم ﷺ کی سیرت و کردار

God is the creator of human beings into which he has breathed His soul and made His vice-regent. He taught them what they knew not. He then gave them knowledge and law (Sharia) so that they may not go astray. With the growth of human population, difference among human beings increased to coup with those growing differences, God sent down prophets with religious, The chain of prophet hood came to end with our Prophet God gave the Prophet Holy Quran which is guide to all human beings. The arrival of the Prophet was in fact the arrival of Islam which replaced all previous religious system and breathed into human a soul that created feelings of Love and mercy is their hearts. Monotheism replaced atheism and polytheism. In this article, an attempt has been made to present the life and character of the Holy Prophet in the light of Nahaj al Balaghah.

Roshan Ali. (2018) THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF THE HOLY PROPHET, Noor-e-Marfat, Volume 09, Issue 04.
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