We Understsndthe Poetry But Not Dominant By Ghalib
This article is an analytic study of “Vox Angelica" by Shaukat
Jamil. This is the English translation of Mirza Ghalib's Urdu
Diwan. Vox Angelica was published by Naya Zamana
publications in 2010. This is not a Faithful translation of
Ghalib's poetry becouse the translator has no serious relation
with Ghalib's poetry and thought. On the pages of Vox
Angelica, It can be seen that the translator doesnot have
comprehention about the words, phrases and diction of
Ghalib. There are also mistakes in reading Ghalibs text. These
textual blunders have made the translator to a traitor
Dr.Muhammad Qasim. (2020) ہم سخن فہم ہیں غالب کے طرف دار نہیں , Vox Angelica-------ایک تجزیہ, DARYAFT, Volume 23, Issue 23.
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