مقالے کی قسم

Imperative verbs in the beginning of Surahs

Quran as Book of Allah has been a basic source of many sciences that men have searched for throughout the ages. Every single letter of it reflects perfection and echoes variety of scientific interpretations when sought deeply. In this very article I have done an extensive study of those chapters of Quran that began with an imperative form of verb. These chapters are seven in number; five of them start with “Qul” and the three others with different imperative verbs, namely; “Sabbih” and “Iqra”. Different commentators have put forward variety of opinions commenting on these verbs digging out interesting meanings and viewpoints in the light of which I have processed up my research hoping that the research work will add to domain of exegesis of Quran some new valuable points. The research work is descriptive in nature.

Dr. Yasir Ali, Dr.Salma Shahida. (2018) افعال الامر فی بدایہ السور, Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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