مقالے کی قسم

Quran is the Holy book revealed on the last prophet Hazrat Muahmmad (Peace be upon him) through revelation. Revelation is one of the three basic knowledge hubs as by birth, sensation and revelation. To understand Quran needs transliteration and commentary for its followers and even for those who read it for research work worldwide. Same case is with the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) Hadiths, need transliteration and commentary for complete understanding. In Pashto language, there are various books of Quranic and Hadiths transliterations and commentaries which are widely read out. Some Quranic transliterations have been produced in poetic forms for its readers. Rahman Baba is regarded as the most popular Sufi poet of Pashto language, whose poetry in true sense is the real portray of Quranic injunction and Hadiths. He had a wide range study of Quran and hadiths. His real affection to God and Muhammad (peace be upon him) had made him isolated from the society and tended to focus contributing to his real affection through poetic verses. He himself claims that his verses and stanzas will be found in the Quran and Hadiths. While reading thoroughly the Poetry of Rahman Baba, it will be sort out that almost all verses of his poetry is the true picture of Quran and hadiths. The readers get inspired and get spiritual consolation. Rahman had a wide range study of social life. He has not left any aspect of life untouched. He has explained social and moral values of life. Through his verses love, affection, beauty, culture, religion, finance and all affairs of life has been discussed in the light of Quran and Hadiths. In this article, the poetry of Rahman Baba will be elaborated in the light of Quran and hadiths. It will be strived to reach at the conclusion to critically analyze his poetry in the light of Quranic injunction and hadiths.

Dr. Noor Muhammad Danish Bettani , Dr.Ashfaq Ali. (2018) Influence of Quran and Hadits on the Poetry of Rahman Baba , Al-Azhāar, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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