مقالے کی قسم

In this currant age when youth is tumbling and misguided by liberalism, secularism and social media the last messenger of Allah Almighty is a true source of inspiration for youth. This is because, His “Sirah” is regarded as the last message of Allah, His guidance is declared sufficient for all till the end of this world. Muhammad (SAW) brought a revolution in the lives of the youngsters. This revolution is example-less in the history of mankind. The holy life style of the Prophet (SAW) guides youth at individual and collective level. He stressed that Muslims whether young or old should have good character and good behavior with others. It shows the importance of behavior and character in His teachings. This article presents examples from the Sirah of the holy Prophet (SAW) and the lives of the companions of the holy Prophet (SAW) regarding the youth character of positive and balanced human being

Zilebia, Dr. Mohsina. (2020) استحکام معاشرت میں توتھ دویلپمنٹ کا کردار (مطالعہ سیرت کی روشنی میں), AL-ILM Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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