مقالے کی قسم

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad and his family and companions. There is no doubt that Allah Almighty sent all prophets and messengers to guide people, in order to bring them out of darkness to light and guidance, and to set their lives as role models for human beings so that they follow them. Some of them believed, and some didn’t believe, those who believed were guided and those who disbelieved were misled and seduced. Allah Almighty completed his religion, Islam, by sending our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), by revealing his glorious book to him, making it a light and guidance, and giving duty of explaining and interpreting of Quran to His prophet by his sayings, actions and approvals. The interpreters have agreed that the interpretation of the Quran through Sunnah is one of the best methods of interpretation, and in this article I will answer some of the questions which are the reason for writing this research, i.e. Did the Prophet (PBUH) interpret all of the Quran? Do we need to interpret the Quran through Sunnah? How is the Prophet (وسلم عليه هللا صلى ( explains the Holy Quran? What are his different ways to explain it? How he resolved misunderstandings and queries of his companions?

Dr.Syed Asif Mahmood, Dr. Sami Ullah Zubairi. (2020) نبيّنامحمدﷺ كمفسّر للقران الكريم (دراسة تحليلة موضوعية), AL-ILM Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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