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Home-based women workers constitute the largest part of the informal work force in Pakistan. However, for decades, they have been invisible and no official data are available even about their socioeconomic statuses. Specifically, females belonging to shoe making industry are unrecognized and excluded from mainstream economy. This scarcity of data not only excludes them from main workforce of the country but also leads towards absence of any policy formation regarding their rights and wages. Thus, present study aims to explore the socio-economic profile of home- based women workers specifically in shoe making industry apart from general leather industry. Using two staged non probability sampling, 200 respondents were interviewed from four hubs of Lahore while results are presented in simple figures with percentages. The study revealed that mostly women supplement their family income but poverty is still a static concept for them. This data will also explore the preferences, options, determinants of specific setup and their demographics. It will also help in analyzing further trends and problems of HBWWs in Pakistan.

Iram Shahid , Sitwat Farooq , Hafiza Faiza Arshad. (2020) Socio-Economic Profile of Home Based Women Workers (HBWWs) in Shoe Making Industry: A Case Study from District Lahore, Orient Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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