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Good governance plays a vital role in uplifting and ameliorating the livelihood, lifestyle and life standard of citizens. But, unfortunately, it has been one of the biggest concerns in Pakistan since its inception. The interrupted democratic system, lack of accountability, corruption, and absence of rule of law have been major hurdles in the way of good governance in Pakistan. In addition to them, incompetent politicians and bureaucracy, unfair recruitment system, and an absence of accountability across the board have affected the efficient service delivery to the masses. Pakistan cannot fulfil its aspirations of future with this plight. Therefore, Pakistan has to take some concrete steps in order to ensure political stability, transparency, fast public service delivery, and responsiveness in its state institutions. For this, it must control the scourge of corruption, abuse of power, unfairness in its institutions by devising a proper mechanism of transparency and accountability.

Muhammad Mumtaz Ali Khan, Imran Alam . (2020) Good Governance in Pakistan: Parameters, Causes and Measures , Journal of Pakistan Vision, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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