Critical appraisal of Sindhi Story, written in HIND
In Sindhi Literature, Story writing enjoys prominent position, in the sub-continent.
In this paper the critical appraisal of one part of Sindhi
Story written in India, has been given for the period of 1980 and
on wards.
The names of writers from whose stories quotations have
been taken are: Lal Pushap, Mohan Kalpana, Guno Samtani.
The stress has been placed on progressive elements of
working class, specially, plots and characters which have been
picked up from working class people.
This effort does not cover the whole period covered by the
writers, but it is a glimpses of some writers and limited period for
which I do not speak high but confess that certain lapses which
are obvious, may be excused.
Wasidyo Mohi. (2012) هند جي سنڌي کهاڻيءجوتنقيدي جائزو, Kalachi, Volume 15, Issue 2.
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