مقالے کی قسم

Textile industry wastewater has becomes threat for our environment. It is almost largest consumer of freshwater than other industries. Textile sector plays very important role for the development of country’s economy as well as engaged largest portion of population in jobs especially in rural areas. Meanwhile it is very polluting industry and prime responsible for the environmental degradation due to its highly polluted wastewater. Textile industry is consuming huge amount of fresh water during its production in different steps. In this study total thirty samples were taken from ten different sites/ industries of Karachi city, Pakistan. The samples were mixed in a composite sample and analysed for chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand 1901 mg/L, 760 mg/L respectively. After treatment with different coagulants alum, ferric chloride and ferrous sulphate followed by activated carbon the pollution level decreased upto 97.47% and 97.23% for chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand respectively.

Aijaz Ali Panhwar. (2020) Environmental Degradation by Textile Industry; Performance of Chemical Coagulants and Activated Carbon for Removal of COD, BOD, Technical journal , Volume 25, Issue 4.
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