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Ideological Challenges of Atheism to the Muslim Societies and their Solutions from Islamic Perspective It’s a matter of fact that Muslim Societies are facing many socio-political and religious challenges within contemporary dominant waves of thought. One of the serious challenges being faced by the Muslim in the current scenario is Atheism. Although in past era, the Atheism couldn’t become influential with general acceptance of commoners but recently, the ideology of Atheism is spreading fast with statistically reported impact on all religions and civilizations. Atheism is a lack of belief in God, gods or any supernatural being along with the rejection of belief that any deities exist. The philosophy of atheism is nothing new, but it has changed its manifestations over a period. This is obvious that Atheism has now become a serious challenge ideologically and morally for Muslim societies. We are living in a fast-changing society, where preservation of Islamic belief is a challenging task particularly for the new young generation and modern educated lot. Atheists use every possible and available mean and tool for preaching their thoughts and beliefs i.e. print media, electronic media and above all social media. In this context, this study will explore the questions that; what are the effects of Atheism in Muslim Societies and what is its solution in Islamic perspective? Analytical research methodology will be used in this study. This study perceives that the public and private sector universities are the soft target of Atheism. There is suggested legal, ethical & ideological mechanisms to protect Muslim Societies from threat of Atheism.

Waqas Khan. (2019) عصر حاضر میں مسلم معاشروں کو درپیش نظریہ الحاد کا فکری چیلنج اور اسلامی تناظر میں اس کا حل, Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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