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تاریخِ قبولیت

Signaficance of the Understanding of Intra-faith Similerties: Analytical Study in the Context of Pakistan Muslims are commanded to foster unity as breaking into sects is forbidden by Allah. Islam teaches about broadness of vision and the emergence of different denominations in Islam is because of this broadness. There are different school of thoughts that emerged due to the broader perspective of Shar’ῑah rulings like Hanfῑ, Shᾱfῑ, Mᾱlikῑ and Hanblῑ, J'afrῑ etc despite that there is an essential unity in beliefs and practices among the Muslims. They all worship Allah, follow the last Messenger, Muhammad (ﷺ) and the last revelation Qur’an. They face the same Qibla while praying, prostrate to Allah five times a day, and believe in finality of prophet hood. Qur'an and Ahᾱdῑth are a source of jurisprudence for all Muslims. The difference between Muslims is in understanding and interpreting the Scripture and Ᾱhᾱdῑth of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in the matters related with implementation of certain religious, social, political, and other duties. Islam rejects sectarianism, intolerance and extremism. Keeping in mind all of the above-mentioned points, in the article an attempt has been made to analyze the major challenges facing the intra-faith unity in Pakistan. The first is ignorance. Second is the role of media and scholars. Third is curriculum and fourth is intolerance. In the beginning the introduction of different schools of thought is given, and then forbearance demonstrated from the life of ‘Salaf Sᾱlihῑn’ has been described to establish an atmosphere of harmony in the present time, especially in Pakistan. The importance and significance of foundations of harmony is explained in such a manner that every Muslim should understand that the differences between the Muslims are very small, as they are only minor disagreements. Other than that, they are united in beliefs and practices. Finally, in the end, recommendations have been proposed.

Samina Nasir. (2019) مسالک کے مشترکات کےادراک کی اہمیت : پاکستان کے تناظر میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ, Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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