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تاریخِ قبولیت

Philosophical Foundations of Islamic and Un-Islamic Pattern of Life and its Impact upon Society: A Comparative Study It is self-evident that human beliefs had great influence on character, actions, ethics, behavior and way of life. The possessors of correct belief produced positive effects and those who possessed incorrect belief promoted negative values in the community. Undoubtedly, the diversity in belief produced diverse ethics, actions, behaviour which gave birth to the different patterns of life in society. Regardless of subdivisions, by looking towards the philosophical foundations, these patterns of life could be divided into four categories in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah. These lifestyles (also mentioned by Abū ’l-A‘lā Maudūdī in Tajdīd wa Iḥyā-i Dīn) are: Atheistic pattern of life, Polytheistic pattern of life, Monastic pattern of life and Islamic pattern of life. As each pattern had its particular tenets, therefore it formed a particular way of life by leaving its effects upon individual, social, political, economic, cultural and civilizational life. This research work aimed to explain the basic mechanism of these four patterns and their impact on human life. The method used for the collection and analysis of data was descriptive and analytical. The research concluded that three patterns of life (except Islamic pattern of life) produced harmful and negative effects into the society whereas the only Islamic pattern of life ensured the peace and prosperity. Moreover, Islamic pattern of life played a vital role in growth of all disciplines including political social, and economic system. It is therefore suggested that Islamic scholars should uncover the hollowness of Un-Islamic life style and present Islamic pattern of life in logical and systematic way. On one hand, this exercise will encounter the evils and on the other hand would promote good into the society.

محمد ذوالقرنین. (2019) الأسس الفلسفية لأسلوب الحياة الإسلامية وغير الإسلامية وأثرها فى المجتمع: دراسة مقارنة, Al-Milal: Journal of Religion and Thought, Volume 1, Issue 2.
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