Cyber technology is now part of international security
apparatus and its study in this realm has assumed a key place.
Cyber studies require a sound theoretical formulation and
execution within the literature of strategic and security
studies. Currently, this literature is extremely limited. Most
of the recent works on cyber revolution refer to the unending
debate on cyber pessimism and optimism and the challenges
and prospects of war resulting from conflicting cyber
episodes. Not much work has been done on the importance
of strategizing cyber studies within the domain of security
studies. This article goes beyond the existing literature and
attempts to evaluate cyber related issues in order to find if
cyber studies can form part of the broader domain of strategic
studies. It suggests that a sound and comprehensive
theoretical foundation is required to be laid if cyber studies‟
claim for a place in security studies is to be accepted.
Dr. Zafar Khan. (2015) Strategizing Cyber Revolution within the Domain of Security Studies, IPRI Journal, Volume-15, Issue-2.
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