The „New Great Game‟ is the global rivalry between the USNATO bloc and its allies and their Counter-Alliance Camp. In
the grand strategic calculus of Russia-China-PakistanAfghanistan-India entanglement, the US Camp seems to be
losing its strategic foothold, particularly in Eurasia. The US‟
„Pivot to Asia‟ may also suffer serious setbacks. The deals on
Syria‟s chemical weapons and Iran‟s nuclear programme have
brought the Middle East under a „Strategic Pause‟ but have
also exposed the limits of American power. Afghanistan is on
the tipping-point of proving or disproving to be the „graveyard
of empires‟. The danger of Saudi Arabia becoming the victim
of a fresh „Arab Spring‟ as well as destabilization of Pakistan
has increased manifold. The US‟ latest offer for full-spectrum
revival of strategic alliance could merely be a „Strategic
Deception‟ for Pakistan. The US-Iran nuclear deal may also
manifest into additional space for US strategy and lines of
operations for Afghanistan-Pakistan. Iran and Syria could be
re-visited in the next cycle. Strategic wisdom is hoped to
prevail amongst regional stake-holders. Any strategic failure
of the US strategy could further expose the limits of American
power. The dynamics could roll the ball for a new balance of
power; thus shrinking the area of US imperialism and opening
up spaces for the manifestation of „Chi-Merica‟ (ChinaAmerica) or a multi-polar world.
Air Cdre. (R) Naveed Khaliq Ansaree. (2014) New Great Game and Limits of American Power, IPRI Journal, Volume-14, Issue-1.
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