مقالے کی قسم

The present study presents the importance and needs of community participation in the sustainability of development programmes in Pakistan. This study by reviewing the existing literature on participatory development aims to investigate the factors hindering and promoting community participation in the sustainability of developmental programmes. The study also finds out the flexibility in the overall process of participation; financial incentives, material andnon-material benefits and linkages with the community are the factors which can promote participation for the sustainability of developmental programmes. Traditional leaders, external, internal influences and co-option of participation as a fashion by developmental organizations are the important factors, which hinders community participation in the viability of developmental programmes. The study recommends that for ensuring sustainability, people of the target community has to be meaningfully involved at all the stages of development interventions i.e. decision making, planning, implementation and monitoring. In addition, at the policy level the government should implement laws for pooling the funding from the donors at the central or provincial level and disbursed to those organizations which are involving people in the real sense in all the decisions which affect them.

Sajjad Hussain, Saira Miraj. (2018) Community Participation and Sustainability of Developmental Programmes in Pakistan, Putaj Humanities And Social Science, Volume-25, Issue-2.
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