مقالے کی قسم

Objective: The study aimed to compare state and trait anxiety, blood pressure, and heart rate of patients with and without coronary angiography experience who undergo coronary angiography intervention. Methodology: This study is cross-sectional comparative research. A total of 160 patients, including 80 patients undergo for the first time coronary angiography and 80 patients with at least one experience of coronary angiography were included in the sample of the study. In the study, data were collected using 'Patient Information Form' and 'State-Trait Anxiety Inventory', blood pressure measurement device, and pulse oximeter. Results: The mean of state anxiety scores of the patients with and without CA experience were 39.35±5.31 and 39.98±4.04, respectively; (p=0.395). The mean of trait anxiety scores of the patients with and without CA experience were 44.73±6.84 and 44.51±6.05, respectively (p=0.826). There was no statistically significant difference observed in state and trait anxiety between two groups. Before the CA procedure, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure average of the patients with CA experience were statistically higher than those without CA experience (p<0.05). Conclusion: The anxiety levels of the patients before the CA were observed to be similar and moderate, regardless of their CA experience. It was observed that patients with CA experience before CA procedure had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressures compared to the group without experience.

Yasemin Altınbaş, Emine Derya Derya Ister. (2021) Comparison Of Anxiety Level, Blood Pressure And Pulse Parameters Of Patients With And Without Coronary Angiography Experience: A Cross-sectional Study, Pakistan Heart Journal, Volume-54, Issue-1.
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