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Novel Coronavirus 2019 (n Cov-2019) and corona viruses (CoV) are large virus family containing strains which trigger deadly diseases in mammals and birds. Corona virus are zoonotic and can be transmitted from animals like camel, cattle, cats and bats to humans 1. Some important strains of corona viruses are n Cov-2019, beta-corona virus others include Middle East Respiratory CoV (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV) which are responsible for causing deaths in humans. Usually CoV cause common cold like illness and few other ailments including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. It is believed that original host of both corona viruses were probably bats.1 Coronavirus were first identified in 1960s, it got name from corona or crown of sugary proteins that projects from the envelope and surround the virus. This is an enveloped virus comprising of a non segmented positive sense RNA and belongs to coronaviridae family. This virus has longest genome of RNA, having single strand of nucleic acid which is almost 26,000 to 32,000 bases long.1 According to detailed investigation, transmission of SARS-CoV among humans was reported from civet cats while dromedary camels were responsible from transmission of MERS-CoV to humans. 2 Collectively both viruses were responsible to cause diseases among more than 10,000 people with massive mortality rates of 37% for MERS-CoV and 10% for SARS-CoV

Sana Rehman, Muhammad Kashif Munir, Rizwan Iqbal. (2020) Novel Coronavirus 2019 (nCoV), Pakistan Journal of Medical Research, Volume-59, Issue-1.
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