مقالے کی قسم

Al-Imam Al-Zamkhshari is a great Scholar and Interpreter of The Holy Quran. He has written hundreds of books on different topics. Everyone is acknowledged of his disclosure of Tafseer Al-Kashaf, which held the Primary source of Tafseer. Beside this His great contribution is in Arabic Literature also. He is also an excellent writer, scholar and expert of Arabic Language. His Book of Maqaamat is the evidence of his excellent writing and expertise of Arabic Language and Literature, which has been written with fine and eloquent Arabic words. This article is subjected to highlight certain aspects of his Book “Maqamaat-ul-Zamkhshari”. This Collection of Maqamaat is the fine example of Arabic Language and narrative styles. These Maqaamat are fifty in number. The topic of discussion of these Maqaamat is correction of Society and improvement of human being. This article is designed to introduce the procedure, style, characteristics and way of analysis of his Book of Maqaamat.

Dr Shabana Nazar. (2021) Maqamaat-Ul-Imam Al-Zamakhshari (May God Have Mercy On Him) Descriptive Study/An Analytical Study, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-05, Issue-1.
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