مقالے کی قسم

Abu al-Hasan al-Mawardi was born in Basra (c.364/974) which was then one of the principal seats of learning and education in the Muslim world, He therefore got all his education here and rose in literary renown at an early age. He especially prepared himself for the judicial profession. As a judge he served at various places and was finally posted in Baghdad. Al-Mawardi was acclaimed as one of the ablest men of his age. He was not only a distinguished judge but also a distinguished author. He wrote mostly on law and politics. His well-known extant works are: Ki tab al-Hawi al- Kabeer, al-Iqna, Siyasut al- Mulook, Qawanin al- Wizarah, Adab al- Dunya wal Din, and Al-ahkam al- Sultaniyyah. The present article deals with the introduction of important of books of Imam Al-Mawardi.

Muhammad Shoaib, Abdul Ghafoor Baloch. (2020) Interpretation Of The Leading Books And Composition Of Imam Al-Mawardi, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-1.
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