مقالے کی قسم

Sahih Bukhari is a book of sahih hadiths, according to the majority of Muslims. However, some Mohadithin like Ibn-e-Adi, Abu Hatam Razi, Ibn-e-Habban, Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal and Imam Nasai declared some of its narrators as “Motakallam Feeh.” Hafiz Ibn-e-Hajar defended most of the narrators who were declared as “Motakallam Fih” by above Mohadithin in his book Hady-us-Sari.Allama Jalal-ud-Din Suyuti stated that the above declared “Motakallam Fih” narrators were Sahih at the time of composition of Sahih Bukhari. Shah Waliullah explained that “the mohaddithin agreed with authenticity of Sahih Bukhari ..”Sheikh Muhammad Nasiruddin al-Albani is a Mohaddith of last century. His major research area is Hadith and Uloom-ul-Hadith. He declared some narrators of Sahih Bukhari as Daeef in his books, though Hafiz Ibne Hajar already decleared these narrators as sahih .It is fact that most of hadiths which Imam Bukhari collected from “mutkallam fih” narrators were “shawahid”, “mtabiat” and “taliqat.” As a result of above discussion, the opinions of Ibn-e-Adi, Abu Hatam Razi, Ibn-e-Habban, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, Imam Nasai and Shaikh al-Abani, cannot be accepted.

Dr. Muhammad Shahid, Dr. Muhammad Ishaq, Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso. (2020) An Analytical Study Of Criticism Of Sheikh Nasir Uddin Al-Albani On The Narrators Of Sahih Bukhari, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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