مقالے کی قسم

Allah has only chosen the Muslim Ummah for eternally life among the world's nations and alone has chosen them to lead and guide the humanity. The preachers of the religion fulfill all time necessities and provides a perfect solution to the issues and challenges of every time. It is a fundamental responsibility of each believer to convey the preaching of religion to every class of humanity and to every individual of the world, with all the wisdom. In modern times, in order to convey the universal message of Islam, there are many challenges and problems before Islam and Ummah. To overcome these, it is very important to understand the prophetic methodology of preaching, its strategy and principles. The main topic of our research work is "the methodology of preaching the religion and its principles - scientific and research analysis". This research work completed with the help of ancient and modern resources, wherein it has clarified that it is mandatory to keep on observing the methodology how to preach the religion. In this regard, it is basic characteristic to know the Quranic and Prophetic teachings, and to know the basic principles how to preach the religion. In this regard, the Holy Quran has explained the prophetic methodology of preaching; particularly the blessed methodology of the Holy Prophet described in detail. The wisdom, good counsel, humbleness, gentle attitude, ikhlas, steadfastness, softness, good character, justification of environment etc are the main and basic points of preaching, neglecting which leads to deprival of perfect result. Embedded in this research work are explained the principles and curriculum of Dawah (preach) following all the scientific and research method.

Almas Muhammad Yaseen, Hafiz Muhammad Sani, Bakht Shaid. (2020) The Methodology Of Preaching The Religion In Modern Age And Its Effective Strategy (Scientific And Research Analysis), The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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