مقالے کی قسم

The research focuses on the role of Islamic teachings for the character building individually and collectively for demonstrating the transparent values, which are helpful for relation building. The basic purpose of Islam is to promote goodness and eradication of evils for relation building in society. Islamic teachings, is a concept of success includes but not limited to worldly or monetary success only. It includes eternal peace and self-fulfillment by way of spiritual practices. Those who follow the commandments are active in the world, take their responsibilities seriously and full them to the best of their abilities. They are always conscious to their duties to Allah, fellow human beings and the whole of the world. They maintain a balance between immediate and ultimate success. The core objective of Islamic teachings is to learn the foundational concepts to get the pleasure of Allah by fulfilling Allah’s and human rights and by demonstrating the positive values for relation building around the world. Islamic teachings through the soundness of faith lay down good reflections of the believers for a harmonious society. The present article provides a holistic approach to the impacts of Islamic teachings on the development of a universal peaceful society. This paper will provide the vision to the Muslims to demonstrate peace and tolerance for relation building. They will be able to apply the Golden value “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself” as the fundamental principle of a higher level of moralities. The methodology of the research is qualitative by relating the relevant verses of the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith and the life examples of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The research paper also clarifies the misunderstandings of the non-believers about Islamic teachings that it promotes terrorism and conservativeness. In short, the study of this research will provide a vision and mission for Muslims and they will be able to determine their goals to be a very successful members of the society.

Farhat Aziz, Samina Saadia. (2020) A Concept Of Relation-Building And Personality Development Based On Islamic Teachings, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-04, Issue-2.
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