مقالے کی قسم

Allah the Almighty sent a chain of the Prophets for the guidance of human beings, Hadrat Adam (A.S) is the first while the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet of this chain, after the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) his companions discharged this duty and then Aulia (Allah's friends) of this Ummah have been busy in reformation of the human beings, there is a one in them who has spent his whole life in preaching Islam and reformation of Muslim Ummah, he was born on 1st October, 1955, his parents named him Maqsood Ilahi, he passed M.S.C in chemistry. He took an oath to follow spiritual guide at the hand of Huzoor sohna sae'n (R.A) in 1975 and after few years his spiritual guide sohna saen (R.A) bestowed him khlifata and sent Karachi. Since the life of his student life till today he has lived his life in preaching Islam, he has travelled hundreds of times for the sake of preaching deen, he went India, Central Africa, Mozambique, Malavi, Maputo, Nampola, Nicala, Arab and so many other places. in and out of the city, many Masajid ,Schools and other educational and training institutions are being run under his supervision, he has also set up an organization "Islami Roohani Mission". By the day and night he is serving the humanity preaching, treating, educating and reforming them. This contribution explores the hidden academic and religious services of Maqsood Ilahi and shows the real faces and effects on society.

Abdul Samad. (2019) Academic And Religious Services Of Muhammad Maqsood Ilahi (Mahboob Ilahi) And Its Effect On The Society, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-03, Issue-2.
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