مقالے کی قسم

Before the birth of the Holy prophet, human society yet again got at the verge of destruction due to apostasy and ignorance. The Holy Prophet introduced Islam to the sinking humanity. For spreading its message "Dawat"; Calling (To God) was made everybody's job. As Allah says in the holy Quran: "The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another: they enjoin what is just and forbid what is evil:" (9:71). There are three fundamental groups of preachers. The first is the "Dawat" of common people to others. It is imperative for such a preacher that he himself should get the knowledge of religion through Islamic law and then communicate every virtue of it to his family, friends, neighbors and close relatives. The second is the place of Nobles. They include the commentators of the Quran, the narrators of the Prophet's Sayings, theologians and the learned scholars. The commentators of the Quran explain the meanings of the verses of the Quran keeping in view the conditions of the Quranic sciences. The narrators interpret the meanings of the Sayings of the Holy Prophet. The theologians or the learned scholars are entitled to discuss the Quran, Prophet's Sayings and the problems of the Islamic laws. The third is the place of the favorites. These people are the perfect successors of the Prophets. They have full control over the knowledge of laws as well as over the knowledge of mysteries. As Allah says: "and purify them", (one of the responsibilities of the Holy Prophet was to purify the souls). At a place it is said: "Truly he succeeds that purifies it" (91: 9). In this article research is done on "Calling (to God) and conveying His message."

Hafiz Munir Ahmed Khan, Ubaid Ahmed Khan. (2017) The Significance Of Islamic Preaching In The Dissemination Of Islam As Religion - A Research Study, The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin, Volume-01, Issue-1.
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