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تاریخِ قبولیت

This experimental research explored the effectiveness of cooperative learning (jigsaw technique) on the knowledge level of cognition of students in the area of English at secondary level. The objectives of the study were: (i) to determine the effectiveness of jigsaw cooperative learning on enhancing the knowledge level of cognition of students; (ii) to examine the effectiveness of jigsaw cooperative learning on enhancing the knowledge level of cognition of the high achievers; and (iii) to explore the effectiveness of jigsaw cooperative learning on enhancing the knowledge level of cognition of the low achievers. Total 674,461 students studying at secondary level in the province of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa were the general population of the study. Forty eight students of 9th class studying in Shaheen Public High School Pir Piai District Nowshera, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Pakistan) were taken as sample of the study. Data were collected from the sampled population through teacher made pre-test, post-test. Obtained results of Pre & post tests were analyzed by using mean, SD, t-test and one-way ANOVA. It was found that cooperative approach jigsaw strategy was more effective than traditional grammar translation way for developing students’ knowledge level of cognition in the subject of English. Following recommendations were made: (i) inculcation of cooperative way of learning for policy makers; and (ii) guidance programs may be arranged to in-service teachers to use cooperative learning strategies effectively in classroom. The study will help the teachers to use some new trends of cooperative learning techniques in class room teaching.

Ihsan Ullah, Prof. Dr. Rabia Tabbasum, Dr. Khalid Iqbal. (2021) Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw Technique) on the Knowledge Level of Cognition in the Subject of English at Secondary Level, Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Review , Volume-1, Issue 3.
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