مقالے کی قسم

This research paper presents a comparative numerical analysis to study the effect of drilling a center hole in an aluminum sheet on the static loading, linear buckling and modal characteristics of the sheet and compare it with a same sheet with no drill in it under the same boundary conditions. ANSYS workbench 15 was used to perform the analysis by using its static structural, linear buckling and modal modules on an Aluminum alloy (AA2024-T3) sheet. For analysis of drill geometry, Four models namely a neat sheet without drill, a sheet with circular drill, a sheet with triangular drill and a sheet with square drill were also developed. All drilled models had the same drill area and were subjected to the same loading conditions as the neat sheet. An overall reduction in mechanical and vibrational characteristic of the drilled sheet was observed as compared to its neat counterpart which was reflected by a 70%increase in the maximum generated stress and an 11% increase in the corresponding deformation along with the reduction in buckling load multipliers and modal natural frequencies. It was observed that the stress generated in the metallic sheet with a center drill was directly proportional to the number of stress risers even if the drill area was same. A 68% increase in stress generated for circular, 71% for triangular and 76% for square drill was observed compared to the neat sample. The maximum stress was generated on the stress risers perpendicular to the loading direction.

Zaigham Saeed Toor. (2021) Effect of Drill on Mechanical and Modal Characteristics of Aluminum Sheet, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 11, Issue 1.
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